
Showing posts from October 9, 2012


In a matter of days, it will be time to re-elect our President. If you are not registered to VOTE, then you cannot complain! Voting is not something you take for granted, by so many means voting gives you a voice to be heard through the decisions you make.  My vote is for my current President -Barack Obama, I got his Back! I can't tell you who to vote for, but it is with prayer that you make a decision by examining the actions of the candidate. President Barack has made changes that will bring the middle class to the level they were during the Clinton Administration. To become part of the American Dream- again. Let your voice be heard and vote for the candidate that supports your movement into building America-do what is right and at least vote. Despite everything anyone has experience these past four years. Everyone who is paying attention knows our economy was placed in this state eight years ago by the preceding president, and everyone knew we NEEDED CHANGE regardless of rac