
Showing posts from December 27, 2015

Want to Do Better- Decision Making

December 27, 2015 It's 3:39 am and I cannot sleep. Thinking too much about life and the choices I've made. Some good some not so good. The price you pay for pursuing the permission of others. Allowing people, random people-even family members who I deem as random people allowed to make decisions for you that are not in your best interests. As people, we give others too much access, absolutely too much access to the decisions that must be made in our life. Too much access to suggestive thinking, when the decision is entirely yours to make. I ask myself, what will be different in the next few days? What will 2016 bring? Daily we live as if we control life's clock. In fact, the one who's yet to unveil the mystery of life is the one who has complete control. He sets the time table of life, the beginning, and the end. The thought alone should be disturbing because ultimately, people do not control the very thing they give others to access. Be careful of who you acce