
Showing posts from December, 2011

God Remembers....

Be patient, God matter how frustrated you become. Things happen when they are suppose to happen. I am learning how to be patient with myself, people and family. Be patient with life....nothing can happen until its set time. I am learning how to be at rest, this is a continued walk. Enjoy life moments, because things could be worse. No matter how dim a situation or event might be, even unto death, you can take in a fresh breath of air then you are doing good. You only get one life, this is not a rehearsal, you DO NOT get a DO OVER. So enjoy every moment that you can and appreciate what you have and work towards what you want.            Lavi

Finding my Norton CD

This is just a moment I wanted to share about finding my Norton Security System and Anti-Spy ware, it was difficult to do....I purchased the products because they both were on sale. Then I realized I didn't need one, but decided to keep it any way. So, then I asked for the Cd's to be put away for later use and behold, it was put away. Be careful when asking family members to put things away for you, because it is difficult to find it, if the family member does not tell you where they put the items or don't remember where they actually place the item themselves. This alone is frustrating. So either way, glad to now have my system protected and am looking forward to being on the computer more, and feeling a sigh of relief. Well that is my outlet for the moment be back in a few take care.                          Lavi