September 9, 2012

It is mighty funny how people feel this enormous sense of power when they have some authority. The level of dismissal that comes with a sense of entitlement blended with disrespect. I find that it is people who make situations difficult. It is people who feel that after a level of accomplishment that everyone should admire, praise and long to be like them, but it is also offensive that any person think higher of themselves than they ought too.

Family is the same way. If they help you with something, they feel a sense of entitlement, because they had something to do with a personal accomplishment that belongs to you. I see so many things that I would have done differently in my life. Its just that when you are young, you kinda have no say so in the things that is decided for you. You sort to have to go along with the flow. This is unfortunate, because it automatically places you at an disadvantage. Decisions being made on your behalf and you having no say so in how things are or should be.

This world is full of evil, angry, dismantled and disgruntle people. People who feel ENTITLED-entitled to be evil, place a hold on someone's life, because they can and do whatever it is they set out to do to make sure they stay ahead. Soon, all the wrong doing these people have done builds an account of KARMA. The karma account is so full, karma begins to disburse and send payment to these people with interest for no remorse, no love and kindness, no sheer sense of passion, nothing towards the well doing of others.

At this point, no one cares if these people struggle or face challenges in life, because those that have been done wrong, remembers the past. The past of how people like the one's describe mistreated them and the mischievousness that always had surrounded this person.

So, it is important to be resilient with people of this nature, because it will help our world become a better place. Therefore, stay the course and be as resilient as those dysfunctional people who operate within our world.

Love, Live, Hate, Cry, Amend, Protect, Serve, Abandoned, Disconnect, Resort, Refuse, Smile, Smirk, Strangle with Verbal Abuse, Overcome, Passionate, Perverse,  Persevere, Live... are descriptors that comes to mind in a ratchet world full of evil doing. Stay the course those who harbor resentment, anger, frustration, and evil means to do every person in their path wrong, will soon feel the wrath of Karma as they have so established in their life. This is why Pay Back is says the word of God, when God says revenge is mine in Deuteronomy 32:35.



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