Today, September 29, 2012 was a day that I had to learn how to walk out one of the few fears I have; I had fear about doing something that was necessary in a situation currently happening in my life. I prayed and told God I was afraid, and that I am really scared about my situation, because I do not know what is coming next. I must say, that at the end of the day, of actually going through the process, I learned that even in fear, prayer is a tool that can help you through when walking out a process in fear. In the process, God showed me how to face my fear with the intent of accepting whatever the outcome may be. Today, I learned that no matter your fear(s); private or public- taking the steps to forcibly move forward, regardless of the results, is what is needed to seek an answer. 

Using the emotion of fear can transform into motivation, whereas, fear becomes the reason you need to find the information for the lack thereof. I am glad, I decided to do what it is I did today, because it help me overcome something that I was so fearful about. Thank God for teaching me how to WALK THROUGH  FEAR or WALK OUT FEAR! It was amazing, the very thing I was afraid of was calmed by the information I learned. You may ask yourself, what is it that I was so afraid about and I will say to you at this time it doesn't matter for the progress I made gave me a good  feeling (another emotion). A good feeling in feeling and knowing the sense of success or accomplishing a goal. To know that I walked with fear and succeeded, I now know, as a result, that fear is an emotion present in the absence of knowledge. 

It is imperative that we learn how to walk out our fears and learn how to move passed our fears by taking physical steps to do what it is that needs to be done. I love the fact that I have walked out fear, because I now know that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly of all we can even ask or think. God is awesome and learning how to trust HIM, is work, but doing so makes the work of trusting God much less when you trust Him in spite of ... 

When you are afraid, tell God, it does not make Him love you less or think of you any less, but it shows God that even in the midst of your fears you are still willing to work pass your emotions and place trust in HIM to work it out for you. Today, a woman, whom I did not know said something to me that was really encouraging and profound. She said, I hope everything works out for you as it did for me...I am believing God will do it for you like he did it for me and then she got up and left. I didn't think about what she said until later tonight, because it was after my mind had calm down when I began to meditate in thanking God for being as awesome as He is that I realize, her instant prayer and my agreement supported the outcome in which I received. Walk Out Your Fear! 



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