
Showing posts from 2013


Good Morning to All,   Today is Saturday, June 29, 2013, and it's been a minute. I have been away too long and decided to use the next few days, weeks, and months to focus on me. It will be different, in that I always do what is in the best interests of others with the exception of doing the same for myself.  What small steps can I do to make these changes- well I will share these steps soon?  I have decided to leap and see where I land. I will make changes in increments surrounding my work life. I will read more on topics of interest. I will share books that I've read with the hope of writing more in the near future. The beginning of cutting the clutter  Step 1)  gather all my bills and pay them off one by one, get rid of what I can no longer afford. No matter the advertisement, I will stick to my decision to become financially free to do the things I want to do.  Step 2) Celebrate the small beginnings.....Happy Saturday to me and I look for...

Cycling to Improve Weight

Hello All,  Today- May 22, 2013, I have begun to cycle in order to improve my weight. I realized that cycling without resistance allows me to cycle longer and it's less strenuous. Short term goals- cycle for 15 minutes or more to see if I can lose any weight or burn more calories in a short amount of time. I'll be back to update my progress.             Lavi


I n last night's debate Mitt Romney tiptoed around the issue concerning foreign policy.  Most of what Mitt said, showed when the President pointed out Mitt's confusion about previous statements concerning foreign issues.  Mitt began back paddling to find dry land; when he(Mitt) realize that he was sinking.   Governor Mitt Romney's political game is surrounded by the act of manipulation, seeing who can be manipulated to put him(Mitt) in office. Well, I want to be the first to inform you that it will not be my vote. For the undecided voters, consider "the value of change for the better has always been a cursor," to improve the democratic society. Not letting people( meaning those that oppose) what is right subtract from our right to see what is inevitable, "change," change that is going to come either way. Folks you have been shown time and time again, Mitt is not for the people who need and deserve better are those who live in poverty ...

Just Another Day!

Today, I accomplish one thing that I needed most. I had a progressive day, but I am nowhere near finish.  There is so much work to be done. I am working through a clouded and unfocused mindset that irritates me fully. I cannot seem to get everything I need to be done today. I feel in love with life but frustrated at the same time, oooooh my goodness. I'll manage. I will. It is going to take time.  I have decided to work in increments. I learned through trial and error. When something is not working as a whole, break it up into pieces. This way I am able to accomplish something rather than nothing at all.  Work it in increments baby! It may take time, but work that thing one task at a time.     Lavi