In last night's debate Mitt Romney tiptoed around the issue concerning foreign policy. 
Most of what Mitt said, showed when the President pointed out Mitt's confusion about previous statements concerning foreign issues. 
Mitt began back paddling to find dry land; when he(Mitt) realize that he was sinking. 

Governor Mitt Romney's political game is surrounded by the act of manipulation, seeing who can be manipulated to put him(Mitt) in office. Well, I want to be the first to inform you that it will not be my vote.

For the undecided voters, consider "the value of change for the better has always been a cursor," to improve the democratic society. Not letting people( meaning those that oppose) what is right subtract from our right to see what is inevitable, "change," change that is going to come either way.

Folks you have been shown time and time again, Mitt is not for the people who need and deserve better are those who live in poverty and are middle class.

Mitt is a millionaire, just like the Commander in Chief Barack Obama, the difference is Mitt stands for the ones who are not in the middle class. 

If the middle class doesn't make it....oh well..its what Mitt considers to be competitive capitalism, but Obama sees that inasmuch as he is financially settled. 

Knowing that every American should get a piece of the pie. VOTE for whomever your choice is, but make sure you VOTE!

Let your voice be heard on the person ' You' choose to put in charge at the executive-level of government.  It's business for me#TEAM OBAMA...good day!


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