Drink Water

Journal Date: April 21, 2017

You may have heard so many times that drinking water is essential to staying healthy. But, why?

Do you really know why it is important to drink water? Did you know that if you drink at least a gallon of water a day it will keep you regular? A gallon of water actually flushes out the system.
When I say the system, I mean body. My bowels stayed regular from drinking gallons of water.

As someone with gastric issues, water benefits me in multiple ways. I am not as tired. I lost a few inches and some weight. Water is intrinsic to my life. In all our life. Now,  it's a staple of my day-to-day routine.

Becoming healthy is a Lifestyle. Drinking water makes me feel full and digestion wise I am no longer constipated. I've also read that water flushes the organs, such as lungs and liver. I found myself often thirsty in some cases due to medication. Water has definitely helped me with dehydration and thirst elimination.

At times I became so thirsty with some medication it was ridiculous, which is how I learn by default that drinking water can improve most situations.

My next venture will be to add apple cider vinegar to the health journey. I have seen so many accolades on social media about the benefits of apple cider vinegar and its aid to weight loss.

I aim to seek out these remarkable results I've heard so much about. 

Happy Health, 



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