I am HERE!

  I made it another day. I am making progress in my life. I really understand that I am taking this opportunity to read more, explore and take care in focusing on myself. Today, I rode my stationary bike, and later today, I will ride, again. So, I say all this to say that my goal is to see how much weight I can loose from riding my bike. My child and I may be homeless in another month, but maybe GOD will work my situation out. I will definitely keep you posted when possible.  As many of you know, in a matter of days, election day is coming and so many people are scared, broke, hurt, moneyless, hoping for change in their own personal life as well as for this economy. Don't BE AFRAID to DO THE RIGHT THING! President Obama did not create the state we are in nor did he tell people to lay people off, many companies began doing so as a tactic to save their business via cutbacks. Don't be dismayed, we as a people chose person's before him that has led to our current situation. Vote for PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA and lets assist him in moving our country forward. Do not let the facade of what the opposition want us to believe be other than what we see as a reality. Mitt Romney has shown us that he is not the man for the job this go around. So let's say, maybe next time Mitt, meanwhile, we wish you well on any future endeavors. 

You know that is the line people give you when you are not chosen for the job. I am a single mom and am hoping that I get some relief sooner than later, but day in and day out I have to keep moving and am thankful that I get another day of lights, water, internet etc.; and the thing about my situation is that it did not have to be, but it goes to show how retaliation is the trait in which most companies operate. I am employed, but not employed, my company has refused to allow me to return to work for some unknown reason that has yet to be provided. So, I wait, seeking an alternative to sustain my family as we go through this difficult time. A few days ago, I had to apply four public assistance. Something I never had to do in a long time since starting out  to pursue my undergrad degree. For all of you that know prayer, keep praying and stay focus and take this time to accomplish all that you can and do your best to be successful in any and everything your do.....




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