
Showing posts from October, 2012


In last night's debate Mitt Romney tip toed around the issue concerning foreign policy. Most of what Mitt said, and showed, when the President pointed out Mitt's confusion about previous statements concerning foreign issues was viewed as Mitt back paddling to find dry land. Mitt realized; he was sinking. Governor Mitt Romney political game is surrounded by the act of manipulation, seeing who can be manipulated to put him(Mitt) in office. Well, I want to be the first to inform you that it will not be my vote. For the undecided voters, consider "the value of change for the better has always been a cursor," to improve the democratic society. Not letting people( meaning those that oppose) what is right subtract from our right to see what is inevitable, "change," change that is going to come either way. Folks you have been shown time and time again, Mitt is not for the people who need and deserve better, those who live in poverty and are midd

Hard to Focus

Today, I accomplish one thing that I needed most. I had progressive day, but I am no where near finish. There is so much work to be done. I am working through a clouded unfocused mind set that irritates me fully, because I cannot seem to get everything I need to get done. Today, my son cook today, baked salmon, rice, corn and peas. The salmon was uneatable, so I ate the rest. Today, I feel in love with life, but frustrated with all that has to get done, how do I manage. I will , but it will certainly take time. I am working in increments and taking the time, to complete tasks one at a time.    Lavi

Learn To Enjoy Your Life!

October 16, 2012     One of my worst mistakes is seeking guidance from people who had no idea of what life is really about. Learning that life is short and that we are here for a designated time, give meaning to how life should be lived. If you are young and youthful, but old enough to understand, do me a favor and don't waist your life growing up to fast. Don't waste time letting foolishness be part of your life. Things could have turned out different if you learn how to make the right decision concerning yourself and always make the right decision in consideration concerning the possibility of you.  Being extremely misguided about how to prepare yourself in this life, will set you back and once you make life changing decisions your life will never be the same and you no longer have options. Do NOT LIMIT yourself, allow yourself to have options and I am not talking relationships, I am talking the option to NOT become a parent at a young age, to not become involved in rela


October 12, 2012 at 3:18 a.m.    Up doing some homework and decided that I could not sleep. Thinking about how am I going to get out of debt. Open some bills today and realize that I have to work within my means to pay off the debt with what I have while waiting to regain full-time employment. For example, I have a bill that is for $67.45, well I know that I do not have $67.45. Now that I have applied for unemployment in hopes of receiving this small income. I will divide this bill into 12 payments so that I can afford to pay something rather than nothing; this way the bill will decrease rather than sit there and accrue balance, because of non-payment or any additional charges if it can be avoided. Next a bill for 298.60 divided by 60 payments is 5 dollars. So a little goes a long way. One thing I do know is that when I regain employment, I will begin paying down my student loans so that I can work towards becoming debt free. I would like to be debt free in about 12 years. A long way


In a matter of days, it will be time to re-elect our President. If you are not registered to VOTE, then you cannot complain! Voting is not something you take for granted, by so many means voting gives you a voice to be heard through the decisions you make.  My vote is for my current President -Barack Obama, I got his Back! I can't tell you who to vote for, but it is with prayer that you make a decision by examining the actions of the candidate. President Barack has made changes that will bring the middle class to the level they were during the Clinton Administration. To become part of the American Dream- again. Let your voice be heard and vote for the candidate that supports your movement into building America-do what is right and at least vote. Despite everything anyone has experience these past four years. Everyone who is paying attention knows our economy was placed in this state eight years ago by the preceding president, and everyone knew we NEEDED CHANGE regardless of rac


New Beginnings, Oct 3, 2012.      Can you believe it is almost a new year, 2012 has went by fast. It is important at this stage in my life that I begin to take care of me. I must admit it is quite weird that I am placing focus on myself more than ever before. I have always given to others first, making sure that they are taking care of before myself. Now it is surely weird that I am able to give myself just as much attention as I had given to others. I am really approaching a good place. Learning what I like and don't like, learning what I will and will not except etc. I have always been like this, but now it is more specific and deliberate.  I realize why most parents lack parental knowledge, it is because their parents were limited in their parental guidance and so the next parental generation lack the need to improve life experience for their children. Its a fact, we have lost so many children to senseless events, because of the lack of information. Knowledge is important, b