
Showing posts from September, 2012

What A Blessed Day!

Today is the last day of this month. Thank God I have made it through another day. September 30, 2012, was a day of blessing, never seen God's seed begging bread. God is merciful and full of grace, that He allowed me and mine to be bless this day.                Thanks God,                            Lavi


Today, September 29, 2012 was a day that I had to learn how to walk out one of the few fears I have; I had fear about doing something that was necessary in a situation currently happening in my life. I prayed and told God I was afraid, and that I am really scared about my situation, because I do not know what is coming next. I must say, that at the end of the day, of actually going through the process, I learned that even in fear, prayer is a tool that can help you through when walking out a process in fear. In the process, God showed me how to face my fear with the intent of accepting whatever the outcome may be. Today, I learned that no matter your fear(s); private or public- taking the steps to forcibly move forward, regardless of the results, is what is needed to seek an answer.  Using the emotion of fear can transform into motivation, whereas, fear becomes the reason you need to find the information for the lack thereof. I am glad, I decided to do what it is I did today, because

Colored Hair Mishap!

Today is September 28, 2012 10:28 am    Luther Vandross is playing on V103...and I just tried to re-brass the color in my hair. I was bored and wanted blonde tips and it did not turn out the way I expected. Instead, I got the orange brassy color. Lawd have mercy, so I tried correcting the color, but it only reduced the brassiness. I think I washed my hair 5 times, LOL, lets leave coloring to the professionals.. Oh I forgot, I am in limbo with employment so I can't afford to have any one else play in my hair, so I took some old color and tried to brighten my day...uh no bueno...smh, closing my eyes... So I will wear this in between color for about a week. I have some other colors that I may try in another week. I do not want to make the situation worse. Now Mary, Mary, I'm walking is playing...and I have to complete some paperwork and I finally got through on yesterday, to do my interviewed required for public assistance, finally. It makes no sense to require people to call


I am HERE!   I made it another day. I am making progress in my life. I really understand that I am taking this opportunity to read more, explore and take care in focusing on myself. Today, I rode my stationary bike, and later today, I will ride, again. So, I say all this to say that my goal is to see how much weight I can loose from riding my bike. My child and I may be homeless in another month, but maybe GOD will work my situation out. I will definitely keep you posted when possible.  As many of you know, in a matter of days, election day is coming and so many people are scared, broke, hurt, moneyless, hoping for change in their own personal life as well as for this economy. Don't BE AFRAID to DO THE RIGHT THING! President Obama did not create the state we are in nor did he tell people to lay people off, many companies began doing so as a tactic to save their business via cutbacks. Don't be dismayed, we as a people chose person's before him that has led to our current s

Book Reviews

Another Day of Expectation

September 12, 2012      I must admit that I am not always obedient to the Spirit of the Lord. I really need to learn how to listen and do what He ask me to do. I try to think that I am obeying GOD, but I realize that when things are not going like I thought. I find myself reevaluating myself to examine myself, to see what it is I need to correct. Lately, I have been feeling like shaving my head, chopping all my hair off, but when I think about it, I do not like my hair's regrowth stage.  So I am going to place the energy of wanting to cut all my hair off into something else.  Today, I have decided to begin reading a book that I did not finish. This helps take my mind off being in employment limbo. Limbo literally. Meanwhile, I am asking God what is it that I should be doing seeing that I have a lot of time to do other things. So in the phase of this journey, I will be documenting what I am doing in between time, while seeking employment. Ohhhh the story, I could begin to tell,


September 9, 2012 It is mighty funny how people feel this enormous sense of power when they have some authority. The level of dismissal that comes with a sense of entitlement blended with disrespect. I find that it is people who make situations difficult. It is people who feel that after a level of accomplishment that everyone should admire, praise and long to be like them, but it is also offensive that any person think higher of themselves than they ought too. Family is the same way. If they help you with something, they feel a sense of entitlement, because they had something to do with a personal accomplishment that belongs to you. I see so many things that I would have done differently in my life. Its just that when you are young, you kinda have no say so in the things that is decided for you. You sort to have to go along with the flow. This is unfortunate, because it automatically places you at an disadvantage. Decisions being made on your behalf and you having no say so in ho


September 5, 2012 at 7:32 p.m.  I am going to put forth an effort to get fit this year. I have already begun and am working towards the goal of loosing at least a 100 lbs within the year. I am seeking employment, I refuse to give up, because I know something has to open up soon or sooner. This has been a difficult time for me and my family and hardships have been one after the other, but I am believing that GOD has not brought me this far to leave me. Though disappointed about many things I remain optimistic about finding my purpose and moving forward. Fear is no longer an option, now it is survival mode and getting across to the next life saver. For everyone who is experiencing degrees of difficulty; day in and day out, do your best to focus on something that GOD has done on your behalf. Thank HIM for that and do your best to keep joy and peace in  whatever you do-DO NOT GIVE UP! LETS ALL DO BETTER TOGETHER. -Lavi